Sneaky Art
I recently found this delightful book at my library. It's not an entirely new idea to me, because I have done similar projects with my students (ie. Found art, painted stones). However it's
awesome to see so many ideas all in one place. So called "Sneaky art" could also be compared to "Guerrilla art" or the concept of "yarn bombing," but this is--however--Guerrilla art for the elementary school set...
Sneaky Art* is fun, prank worthy art and an awesome way to kick off my self proclaimed "Random Acts of Art" month. It's
Random Art that can bring a smile as it shows up in unexpected places.
*for more info go to

For example, Sneaky Art suggests painting rocks or wrapping them in yarn embellishment and then having the artist leave them around in unexpected places. Pictured below is a "Random Act of Art" Rock we created a few years ago in an arts day camp to leave in our local park. All rocks had a label encouraging the finder to go to the Facebook page for my institution. Finders were encouraged to post pictures of themselves and their rocks. The whole program I promoted as what I liked to call "Rockin' the Park." Not all rocks were written on with messages (as the one in the photo shows), but all were cheerful childlike bits of art. This one causes me great pleasure thinking about the person to whom it may have "spoke to" as they paused, picked it up, read it and took it home.
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