On-line Learning Opportunities for Art Educators 

School is back in and things are starting to hum at "my" Gallery. New lights are being installed and so there's lots of banging too.

Recently I was able to teach an Anime/Manga workshop at a Teacher's conference in a brand new school.  While looking for a trash can in the room I was surprised I could not find one. When I finally did, it was actually out in the hallway and was one of  3--all different categories, so kids could learn to separate their waste (recyclables etc). The school had wide bright hallways and lots of warm earthy colours on the walls and impressed everyone in attendance with its spaciousness and by the enthusiasm of the student leaders who were helping out that day.

Another exciting thing happening for me right now, is that we have just hired another teacher to work in our program. A fellow collaborator! So to sharpen my skills and be better able to share big ideas with my fellow instructors and students I have been surfing the internet looking for resources on working in a gallery, and teaching about art.

Then there is MOMA(The Museum of Modern Art) also a great place to look for on-line video resources for teachers and docents.

Masks from a recent workshop.


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